
DiVinica 6: A Hand-Painted Dystopian Mythology Epic

Created by Dawn McTeigue & JP Roth

A new comic from JP Roth and Dawn McTeigue, loaded with beautiful cover variants & chances to own original artwork from the book.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Last Chance for 40% off DiVinica 6 Prints
6 months ago – Fri, Apr 19, 2024 at 07:14:34 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

For Canadian Backers: Possible UPS Refund
7 months ago – Tue, Mar 26, 2024 at 06:34:09 PM

Hi Everyone!

We love you all, but this update is just for our backers living in Canada. Everyone else can ignore it (or maybe go check out the DiVinica Print sale still going on 😄).

It seems that many of the packages to Canada were sent via UPS, and that some of these incurred high customs fees when delivered.

If this happened to you, there may be a way to get a partial refund from UPS if you are interested. One of our Canadian backers took action about their high fees, and was awesomely kind enough to write up a little recap of their experience, which we are now passing onto you in case it helps.

We haven't tried this ourselves, can't promise it will work for you, and we also can't help you navigate this process, but if you want to take it on yourself, here's what we heard:

Writeup from the Awesome Canadian Backer: 😎🍁💪

"You should have every single Canadian customer who paid more than $17.67 call UPS with their tracking number and ask to have the charges explained.

From the experience I just had they will inform your customer that they overpaid the driver and then offer a refund to the credit card it was paid to.

When I asked why I was overcharged she said it was 'complicated'. When I asked why I wasn't immediately refunded my amount if they can see I overpaid she hesitated and didn't say anything further.

Additionally she told me the refund amount was for $39. When I asked why it wasn't the full amount of $39.85 she said that it would be.

On a quick search it looks like UPS is notorious for this and just hopes no one will call and dispute.

At any rate the number for your Canadian customers to call is: 1-888-520-9090.

Tell them to wait on the line and not use callback (as it doesn't appear to work). It only took a couple minutes for me to get an agent.

Then say they want the charges, paid at the door, for their shipment explained and provide the tracking number starting with the 1Z...

That should be all they need to provide for the agent to then confirm what the charges should have been or what they were for.

I then had to give the last four digits of the credit card I paid with. That was all the info I gave them. And I'll be watching to make sure my card is refunded in the next 3-5 days."


So if you had high UPS customs fees, you can give the method above a try and you may be able to get a portion refunded. If you need your tracking number, please write [email protected] and Dan will get it for you.

But other than providing tracking, this isn't something we can help you troubleshoot or assist with. It will be between you and UPS.

Going forward we'll try to ensure our packages aren't sent via UPS to avoid this kind of overcharging. Although keep in mind that even packages through USPS/Canada Post often incur customs fees as well. Hopefully they won't overcharge and just hope no one notices. Awful!

We know it sucks to get extra fees, we're sorry it happens, and if we could avoid them we definitely would. Half our DiVinica team (Dawn & Dawn) live in Canada, so we feel your pain on this one.

Thank you for backing our campaign in the first place, for accepting your packages even tho extra fees applied, and for being so kind and supportive regardless. Hopefully some of you can get a little refund for your trouble.

Thanks and Love!

Dawn, Jo, and Dan

DiVinica 6 Print Sale is Here!!
7 months ago – Wed, Mar 20, 2024 at 07:38:31 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Final Reward Coming Wednesday, March 20
7 months ago – Mon, Mar 18, 2024 at 03:20:16 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Fulfillment & Shipping Begins
8 months ago – Tue, Feb 27, 2024 at 04:36:31 PM

Awesome news! Kickstarter fulfillment is happening!

- All stretch goal goodie sets are made!

- All books are printed—including metals!

- Backer packages are being assembled now & shipping will begin right away!

Backer bonuses!
Bonus metal card set

As your package is completed and mailed out, you'll receive a notification by email, so keep an eye out for yours.

Thank you all for completing your surveys and handling your shipping payments so promptly and efficiently. It's allowing us to ship you the Rewards nearly a month early!

Fingers crossed for safe shipping!

Dawn & Jo